How Add a Reply Button To Blogger Comments

Diulas oleh Dunia Baca Jumat, 09 Desember 2011 0 komentar
How Add a Reply Button To Blogger Comments | tips blog this about How Add a Reply Button To Blogger Comments. Hi friends you would have seen a reply button to each particular comment in wordpress blogs, and we also want blogger to add this feature in blogger comments and make blogger comments more useful.But they busy in adding more blogger features to blogger blogs to make it more easy and useful.As its not possible to make hack to have this reply button in blogger comments as wordpress blogs, but we have come with small hack like this to make reply button which would make look blogger comment system look better than before.

Other hacks to improve blogger comment system are highlight blog author comments and numbering blogger comments which can be quite useful for you to make blogger comment system more useful and beautiful.

Now lets continue to how adding reply button to each comment in blogger.

As you would have seen this reply button in picture above, which will make you more clear, or check the below live demo to check its working.

Let now continue to tutorial how to add this to blogger comment system.
Step 1 : Go To dashboard Click Design > Edit Html > Tick the 'Expand Widget templates' box.
Step 2 : Press Ctrl + F and search for below code <data:commentPostedByMsg/>
And place the below codes after it.
<span><a expr:href='&quot;;postID=&quot; + + &quot;&amp;isPopup=true&amp;postBody=%40%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%22%23&quot; + data:comment.anchorName + &quot;%22%3E&quot; + + &quot;%3C%2F%61%3E#form&quot;' onclick=', &quot;bloggerPopup&quot;, &quot;toolbar=0,location=0,statusbar=1,menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,width=450,height=450&quot;); return false;'>[Reply]</a></span>

You must need to change the YOUR-BLOG-ID with your blog id.Now how to get your blog id.Just got to blogger Design > Page Elements.
Now see for adress bar in your browser.You will get link like this.

Just get the id number in pink border and replace in the above code.And you have done now and just save your template.Now you will be able to see the reply button in each blogger comments.

Now Some customization to reply button.

Some users will like to want to keep reply button instead of text [reply].So just replace [Reply] in red in above codes with below image link and you will get reply image instead of that text.

source :
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