Daftar Harga Mobil Kijang Innova Terbaru 2011

Diulas oleh Dunia Baca Kamis, 24 November 2011 0 komentar
Daftar Harga Mobil Kijang Innova Terbaru 2011 | sobat lagi nyari Daftar Harga Mobil Kijang Innova Terbaru 2011? berikut liputan Daftar Harga Mobil Kijang Innova Terbaru 2011.
Kijang Innova Type J
Kijang Innova J Grade comes with a more affordable price for the Kijang Innova, made our position as a family vehicle that most understand the needs of the Indonesian family
Kijang Innova Type E
Kijang Innova Type E appears not only stylish and powerful, but also make you and your family comfortable and safe during the trip.
Kijang Innova Tipe G
Driving more comfortable and safe with Kijang Innova Type G, make each trip with your family is always impressive.
Kijang Innova Tipe V
Kijang Innova Type V appears more complete, more luxurious, more comfortable and more secure for you and your family.
Toyota Innova in Surabaya price per 1, May 2011
2.0 J BISNIS Manual 193,050,000
2.0 J Manual 195,950,000
2.0 E Manual – AC Double 226,200,000
2.0 E Automatic – AC Double 239,900,000
2.0 G Manual 245,550,000
2.0 G Automatic 259,850,000
2.0 G Manual Luxury 253,850,000
2.0 G Automatic Luxury 268,150,000
2.0 V Manual 279,750,000
2.0 V Automatic 294,050,000
2.0 V Manual Luxury 290,650,000
2.0 V Automatic Luxury 304,950,000
2.5 E Manual – AC Double 242,100,000
2.5 G Manual 261,450,000
2.5 G Automatic 275,650,000
2.5 V Manual 295,550,000
2.5 V Automatic 309,950,000

Daftar Harga Toyota Kijang Innova 2011 | Kijang Innova | | Kijang Innova Terbaru |
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