How to Create Automated Blog List

Diulas oleh Dunia Baca Minggu, 04 Desember 2011 0 komentar
How to Create Automated Blog List | For example CONTENTS List Auto Blog buddies can see in my blog on the menu at the top table of contents, the actual CONTENTS List How to Create Automated Blog is very simple and easy, my friend simply copy the HTML code that I love in blog buddy, want to know as complete. example

and this How to Create Automated Blog List :

1.Login to Blogger Dashboard, New Entries / New Post
2.Copy do this scrip
     <script src="">
    </script><script src=";alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc">
Replace the colored yellow with addresses Blog pal, Remember When all posts must be in HTML, Not Compose,
Date Set 3.dan was posting on the Post option becomes little bit long, so he did not Appear At Home Blog buddy, can ka? wrote comments that can not

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